Friday, 30 April 2010
Taking a knife to a tank fight
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
1750 Space Wolves
Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane
Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf
The best psychic defence in the game (apart from the soon to be nerfed Inquisition) and D6 S7 infinite range shots per turn. Nice. The Choosers stop infiltrators and add 1 to the Rune Priests' BS. Murderous Hurricane is awesome if only for its Difficult/Dangerous Terrain effects. Jaws of the World Wolf can be a bit hit and miss, especially against armies with good Initiative values. However, when it's good, it's very very good.
5 Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Rhino
5 Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Rhino
The Rune Priests go here and Living Lightning out of the top hatch. First targets are AV10-12 or Heavy Weapons teams on the board edge (especially if they have poor armour and Leadership. LL can really do a number on Lootas and once they fail that first test, it's goodnight from them) The Plasma Gun offers even more S7 goodness.
5 Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Razorback
5 Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannons
5 Grey Hunters, Razorback, Twin-Linked Lascannons
The meat of the army. While the two rhinos can quite happily sit on objectives all game, these are to force the enemy off their objectives and do some killing. If I had the models I'd probably go with Lascannon/Twin-Linked Plasma Gun turrets as they are so badly affected by a weapon destroyed result. The Lascannon Razorback gives some really good range letting me hit threats before they get too close.
6 Wolf Scouts, Meltagun
One of the best units in the Codex; these guys are just so versatile. If the enemy has something in their backfield that you need to take care of then you can operate Behind Enemy Lines. They can do the same if you think you might need some back-up near any of the board edges. Or if there aren't any good targets (ie against a horde list) they can Infiltrate and act as a speed bump.
Lone Wolf, Terminator Armour, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
This is one of my counter charge units. He runs up behind the wall of armour and then jumps out and either kills vehicles or Independent Characters or he tarpits squads. With Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain and Saga of the Beastslayer, this guy is a bargain for 85 points. Plus if he is killed he doesn't give up a Kill Point.
Dreadnought, Assault Cannon
Another counter charge unit, primarily to deal with other dreadnoughts, especially ones who enter via Drop Pod.
6 Long Fangs, 4 Rocket Launchers, Lascannon
6 Long Fangs, 4 Rocket Launchers, Lascannon
Some more long range fire power. Krak Missiles will Instant Kill nearly all of the main infantry in the game (and more importantly, the Doom of Malantai!) plus these guys have awesome range to take out vehicles.
2 Land Speeders, Multimelta, Heavy Flamer
I'm still not sure whether to run these as a pair or separately but they stay as a pair for now. These guys are AV14 hunters or against certain armies they can use the Flamers to really ruin someone's day.
Vindicator, Siege Shield
Still not sold on this but I think that most people will see this and be worried enough to shoot at it leaving the rest of my vehicles alone for a turn. It's got short range and is vulnerable to a single weapon destroyed result taking it out of the game but it can work as pure area denial, especially for anyone Deep Striking. For 5 points less I could have a Predator with Lascannon Sponsons which feels like a more logical but less fun choice.
So, there it it. The plan is to pop transports at range and then shoot the enemy as they walk towards you. When enough are dead jump out of the transports, finish them off and hop onto an objective. Obviously no plan ever survives contact with the enemy but hopefully I've got just about enough firepower and assaulty capability to see it through.
One final word on this list; it's 18 Kill Points which does feel like quite a lot at this level. Mitigating that I do have 5 scoring units, all meched up and hopefully enough killing power to take out more than I lose. Hopefully...
Tournament WIP

I've just got a couple of small details to do on the Priests, then I have to just finish of my Land Raider Melta Gunner. Last of all I have to paint two Dreadnought arms and file down my Blood Talons (green stuffed last night) and paint them and I'm done. Should be no problem :)
Monday, 26 April 2010
Know your rules
This week I was asked about tank shocks by my opponent and I explained how I thought it worked, he was happy about the explaination and we played it as I described. However when I got home and re-read the rule I realised i'd got a key part of it wrong. So as a result I feel inspired to do an occasional post on uncommon rules and/or interpretations of unclear rules. I think we'll start with Tank Shocks!
The idea of a tank shock is to force a morale check on an opponent's unit or units in an effort to move them. It is declared in the movement phase and may be performed by any vehicle described as a tank by its stat line. In order to perform a tank shock you must declare how many inches you intend to move (at least the vehicle's cruising speed) and move the vehicle in a straight line.
Any enemy units that the tank passes through must take a morale test. If the test is passed then the tank passes through the unit with no effect, if the test is failed then the unit falls back towards their table edge. If the unit passes the morale test then one member of the unit may elect to make a "death or glory" attack against the vehicle's front armour, however if the attack is failed the model is removed.
Those are the basics of the tank shock rule, as always though read the section in your main rule book again to ensure you have fully understood it. It never hurts to read the main rule book again!
-- Posting on the go.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Clash of the Titans

I didn't think I was going to make it to Warhammer World this week so I didn't pack my camera. However I did get this pic on my phone of Graham's Defiler taking on Andy's Dreadnought. The Dread managed to hold the Defiler up for a turn which was a two-edged sword as it meant that Andy couldn't shoot it during his turn.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Sons of Terra (Codex: Blood Angels)
Epistolary, The Sanguine Sword, Unleash Rage
Furioso Dreadnought
Blood Talons, Melta Gun, Storm Bolter; Drop Pod
(7) 4x Combi Melta. Power Fist, Rhino
Sanguinary Priests
Assault Squad A
(8) 1x Meltagun, Power Weapon; Land Raider w. Extra Armour, Searchlight & Multi Melta
Assault Squad B
(5) Flamer; Power Fist; Razorback w. TL Assault Cannon
Assault Squad C
(5) Meltagun; Razorback w. TL Lascannon
Baal Predator
TL Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolters
2x TL Autocannon, Drop Pod
The basic idea here is to balance anti-mech with anti horde but with a bias towards anti-mech as that seems to be the run of play in 5th ed at the moment (Tyranids excepted). So in that vein I have 3 TL Lascannons, 2 TL Assault Cannons, 2 TL Autocannons and a fair amount of Melta. The anti-horde gear is a little more tenuous due to the lack of templates but I am confident that the Blood Talons on the Furioso will make an impression which should support the remaining Heavy Bolter firepower. I'm sure the Assault Cannons and Autocannons will chip in with a good contribution vs Horde armys as well.
I've elected to put the Sternguard in a Rhino this time as I feel they are a bit too hit and miss in a Drop Pod, and with the BA Rhinos being fast they should be able to get to where they are needed with the minimum of fuss. The Last major change to the list was to upgrade the Librarian to an Epistolary, this was a tough decision but I just feel that the combination of Unleash Rage and the Sanguine Sword in the same assault phase is going to be worth the investment.
Anyway, I'm cracking on well with the painting in fact I have all the Assault Squads finished appart form their bases. All I have left to do are 2 Sanguinary Priests (1 day), Conversion for the Blood Talons (1 Day), Land Raider Multi Melta (1/2 Day) and a Twin Linked Lascannon Turret for the Razorback (1 hour). Should be do-able ... if I can just settle on a scheme for the priests!
Friday, 23 April 2010
To Do Lists
1) Space Wolf Cavalry list
Canis, Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf, lots of Fenrisian Wolves, 3 units of Thunderwolves. Very fast, very nasty. I think we might see a few of these lists once GW releases the models.
2) Dual Raider Space Wolf List
Not sure if it will be yesterday's list but I definitely want to put together a Dual Raider force. When the Space Wolf Codex came out I remember putting together an army that was Logan, Arjac, Njal, 2 Land Raiders and about 10 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour. Not very competitive but it would be a fun list.
3) Space Wolf Drop Pod list
Something nice and fluffy, along these lines
4) Grey Knights
These guys just look awesome. If rumours are true we'll have plastic miniatures before long as well. From the 1st war for Armageddon fluff, they're pretty friendly with the Wolves so I'd love to add a couple of units to my current army. I'm not sure I'll do a full GK army, maybe a small Inquistion force when the Codex comes out. Oh, and definitely a Power Armour Grey Knight squad for Kill Team.
5) Sisters of Battle
Again, I don't think I'd do a full army, just a couple of squads to represent Sisters of Silence to go with my Wolves. It would also give me a break from painting grey.
6) Tyranid Horde
I quite like a couple of the xeno races but for me Tyranids are the coolest. I remember how hard Genestealers were from the first time I played Space Crusade and that has always stuck with me. I'd like to put together a real mass of bodies - lots of 'gants and 'gaunts, some Gargoyles and of course a good number of Genestealers. It would get wiped out pretty quickly by a good mech army but it would be fun just covering the board with troops and it's always good to roll a lot of dice.
It will be interesting to see what Andy makes of this as in the 6 months that I've know him, he has talked about starting Space Wolves, Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons, Eldar, Orks and Blood Angels...
Help us Brother Cobulo, you're our only hope
PS Actually after re-reading his rule I'm not sure whether he would have worked here as the way that it is worded, it sounds like you can only re-roll your own die, not force your opponent to re-roll his. If that is the case, you'd need to make sure that, if you had Corbulo in the army, you always take the end of game roll yourself.
PPS Andy and Graham did actually play a turn 7 just for fun. Andy couldn't kill the Plague Marines while Graham tank shocked the Assault Squad off the objective (this is what Andy should have done with the Plague Marines tbh plus he should have tried Death or Glory if only for a laugh) and Graham's Defiler killed the two Sternguard (although the Sergeant did kill the Defiler as well). So a draw became a loss for the Blood Angels. Maybe Corbulo isn't such a good idea after all...
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Dual Raider 1500 Points
Ragnar Blackmane
Wolf Priest
Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain
14 Blood Claws
9 Grey Hunters, Power Sword
2 Land Speeders, Multimelta, Heavy Flamer
Land Raider Crusader, Extra Armour, Multimelta
Land Raider, Extra Armour, Multimelta
Rune Priest will probably take Living Lightning (because at some point I have to roll more than 2 shots on a D6) and Jaws of the World Wolf (to snipe those pesky Power Weapon/Power Fist troops). He will ride with the Grey Hunters in the standard Land Raider while Ragnar, the Wolf Priest and the Blood Claws go in the Crusader. The Land Speeders fly around taking out any AV14 that the enemy might bring or popping transports so my troops can assault the squad inside.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Wolf Claw
So, the guys who can take a Wolf Claw have Weapon Skill of 4 (Wolf Guard), 5 (Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Canis) or 6 (Wolf Lord) and have a standard strength of 4 unless on a Thunderwolf in which case it is 5.
So, let's look at opponent's WS less than ours and toughness is at least 2 less than our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(wound)
= 2/3 x 5/6
= 5/9
Re-rolling hits = 8/9 x 5/6 = 20/27
Re-rolling wounds = 2/3 x 35/36 =35/54
Re-rolling hits is better
Now, let's look at opponent's WS same or higher than ours and toughness is at least 2 less than our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 1/2 x 5/6
= 5/12
Re-rolling hits = 3/4 x 5/6 = 15/24
Re-rolling wounds = 1/2 x 35/36 = 35/72
Re-rolling hits is better
Opponent's WS is less and toughness is 1 less than our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 2/3 x 2/3
= 4/9
Re-rolling hits = 8/9 x 2/3 = 16/27
Re-rolling wounds = 2/3 x 8/9 = 16/27
Exactly the same
Opponent's WS is the same or higher and toughness is 1 less than our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 1/2 x 2/3
= 1/3
Re-rolling hits = 3/4 x 2/3 = 1/2
Re-rolling wounds = 1/2 x 8/9 = 4/9
Re-rolling hits is better
Opponent's WS is less and toughness is the same as our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 2/3 x 1/2
= 1/3
Re-rolling hits = 8/9 x 1/2 = 4/9
Re-rolling wounds = 2/3 x 3/4 = 1/2
Re-rolling wounds is better
Opponent's WS is the same or higher and toughness is the same as our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 1/2 x 1/2
= 1/4
Re-rolling hits = 3/4 x 1/2 = 3/8
Re-rolling wounds = 1/2 x 3/4 = 3/8
Exactly the same
Opponent's WS is less and toughness is 1 higher than our strength
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 2/3 x 1/3
= 2/9
Re-rolling hits = 8/9 x 1/3 = 8/27
Re-rolling wounds = 2/3 x 5/9 = 10/27
Re-rolling wounds is better
Opponent's WS is the same or higher and toughness is 1 higher than our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 1/2 x 1/3
= 1/6
Re-rolling hits = 3/4 x 1/3 = 1/4
Re-rolling wounds = 1/2 x 5/9 = 5/18
Re-rolling wounds is better
Opponent's WS is less and toughness is 2 or 3 higher than our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 2/3 x 1/6
= 1/9
Re-rolling hits = 8/9 x 1/6 = 4/27
Re-rolling wounds = 2/3 x 11/36
= 11/54
Re-rolling wounds is better
Opponent's WS is the same or higher and toughness is 2 or 3 higher than our strength:
P(Cause a Wound) = P(Hit) x P(Wound)
= 1/2 x 1/6
= 1/12
Re-rolling hits = 3/4 x 1/6 = 1/8
Re-rolling wounds = 1/2 x 11/36 = 11/72
Re-rolling wounds is better
Phew! That's a lot of numbers! It should be noted that I've not included WS 5 vs WS 9 or 10 and I've not included any Space Wolf bonuses such as Wolf Tooth Necklace or Saga of the Beastslayer.
So, what does it all mean? Well, basically if you need to roll a lower number to hit than to wound re-roll our wounds and if you need a lower number to wound than to hit then re-roll your hits. If it's the same, for example if you're up against Space Marines and need a 4 followed by a 4, I'd always be tempted to re-roll hits and you want to maximise the number of dice you're rolling when you come to wounds. However I am notoriously bad at rolling my to hit dice.
Angels in progress

First I base the minis with some PVA and sand, then I spray them with GW Skull White primer.
The core colour of the army is yellow so I use Iyanden Darksun as a basecoat. In order to get good measures for mixing and thinning the paints I transfer paint from the GW pots to Vallejo dropper bottles. I also mix up a dropper bottle with 10 parts water to 1 part acrylic flow release, it's just a little better than plain water at getting a good consistent flow to your thinned paints. I usually mix it about 4 paint to 3 water.

Stage 1 complete, I put the first coat on quickly and not too neatly but making sure to only apply the paint thinly, not too tricky if you thin the paint properly.

Next stage is to apply Scab Red to the shoulder pads. Properly thinned the red does not go on smoothly over the yellow so you will need a couple of coats to ensure a smooth finish.

I spent about 4 hours on Monday night and managed to get the first yellow and red stages done. I also got the first coat of yellow down over my Baal Predator turret. It's a little different in this case as the turret is primered in black so as I thin the yellow down it will take a number of coats to get a decent coverage.

To be continued...
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
The Curse Of The New - Review
I think the key learning I'm trying to take out of this is have a plan for your units. By that I mean at every stage, right from list building until the end of the game. When I put the list together, the Dreadnought was there to take out transports not shoot at troops. In fact if Andy hadn't failed a couple of saving throws, it wouldn't have killed anything. Have a role for everything in your list and stick with it and only change if another part of your army is destroyed and you need to make do and mend or if there are no viable targets. So, my Dreadnought could have switched to killing Space Marines if all of Andy's transports and speeders had been destroyed or if there was nothing else in LOS or in range.
Monday, 19 April 2010
The enemy are up to something and it's up to you to stop it.
Place one objective marker at the centre of the table.
Army Selection
One player is designated the attacker and one the defender. Both select an army of equal value using the standard FOC.
Both players roll a D6 and whoever rolls higher selects either of the short board edges as theirs. The defending player deploys first and must deploy all of his HQ and Troop units within 12" of the objective marker. All other units are placed into reserve. The attacking player deploys 1 HQ and 2 Troop units within 6" of their board edge (NB for this mission a Troop selection and any dedicated transport they may have count as one choice). All other units are placed into reserve.
All units in reserve are rolled for as per the rules on page 94 of the Warhammer 40,000 main rule book. The attacking players reserves enter on via their board edge. For each defending unit entering by reserve roll a D6, on a 1-2 that unit enters play via the long board edge to the player's right, on a 3-4, they enter play via the long board edge to the player's left, on a 5 they enter play via the player's short board edge and on a 6 they may enter play via any of these three edges.
First Turn
The attacking player rolls a D6. On a roll of 2+ the attacking player goes first. On a roll of a 1 the defending player has heard the attempted sabotage and steals the initiative.
Game Length
This mission uses variable game length as described on page 90 of the Warhammer 40,000 main rule book.
Victory Conditions
At the end of the game you control the objective if there is at least one of your scoring units, and no enemy unit within 3" of it. Always measure this distance from the centre of the objective.
Designer's note: this is meant to be a very narrative mission and the idea is that something very important is happening at the objective. Maybe it is an attempted daemon summoning and if they manage to control the objective for 3 full turns they manage to bring on a daemon as a reinforcement. Or maybe it is the control pad for a missile relay and for every turn someone controls the enemy they get to fire an orbital barrage at the battlefield. Or it could be an injured high ranking officer that they are attempting some triage on. It's entirely up to you.
Lusting over the Angels
Librarian - 100
Shield of Sanguinius, Unleash Rage
Furioso Dreadnought - 185
Blood Fists, Heavy Flamer, Meltagun, Magna-Grapple; Drop Pod
Brother Corbulo - 105
Assault Squad A - 465
(10) 2x Meltagun, Power Fist; Land Raider Redeemer w. Extra Armour & Mult Melta
Assault Squad B - 180
(5) Meltagun, Power Weapon; Razorback w. Twin Linked Lascannon
Assault Squad C - 180
(5) Meltagun, Power Weapon; Razorback w. Twin Linked Lascannon
Tactical Squad - 235
(10) Flamer, Plasma Cannon, Power Fist; Drop Pod
Fast Attack
Baal Predator - 150
Twin Linked Assault Cannons, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Dozer Blade
Heavy Support
Dreadnougt - 150
Multi Melta, Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod
The only things I'm undecided about still are the Lascannon Razorbacks, I'm tempted to take Assault Cannons; and Brother Corbulo, I could swap him for 2 regular priests. For the time being however, it stays like this.
I think Corbulo is important as the list will benefit greatly from getting first turn and his re-roll could come in handy there. The Baal Predator can move up quickly to support my two drop pod Dreads, creating a pretty devastating AV13 alpha-strike. Then there's the hammer unit in the Land Raider to worry about not to mention the two Lascannon Razorbacks and the late game objective taking Tac Squad in the Drop Pod. It feels like a strong list to me.
Unfortunately I'll have to pull my finger out in terms of painting as I have no Apothecaries or Assault Marines painted yet! I have just spent this weekend putting them together along with a Baal Predator turret and I also need to think about making 3 objective markers!! Plenty to do over the next two weeks, I'll keep you updated on my progress.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
That Was Then, This Is Now
So, here it is a 2000 point (well, 1999) Ragnar Blackmane list:
Ragnar Blackmane 175
Ulrik the Slayer 150
Njal Stormcaller 225
Wolf Guard Sergeant, 4 Wolf Guard, Terminator Armour, 2 Chain Fists, Power Sword, Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer 450
Grey Hunter Pack, 4 Chainswords 303
Blood Claw Pack, 4 Power Fists, 3 Power Swords, Power Axe, Plasma Pistol 345
Long Fang Pack, Power Axe, Upgrade Heavy Bolter to Lascannon 351
A lot of the choices were based around what came with the models rather than actual effectiveness in the game. The game also wasn't so mech heavy as is it now even though Rhinos were only 25 points!
I've put in the points value for each squad, hopefully GW won't unleash their lawyers over 18 year old points values but I will happily remove if asked.
So, in 2010 we'd have:
Ragnar Blackmane
Ulrik the Slayer
Njal Stormcaller
5 Wolf Guard, Terminator Armour, 2 Chain Fists, 2 Power Fists, Assault Cannon
10 Grey Hunters, Power Sword
10 Blood Claws, Power Fist
5 Long Fangs, 2 Missile Launchers, Lascannon, Heavy Bolter, Power Weapon
Total 1315
The characters have all gone up in points but the squads have nearly halved plus they can get some free special weapons now. However, the Wolf Guard have lost their Heavy Flamer and the Blood Claws have lost a lot of close combat weapons. Plus, these days a Power Sword and a Power Axe are the same thing in the game.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Looking Good
Friday, 16 April 2010
Blood for the Blood God
I also need to find a better way of dealing with Drop Pods. I tried to be too re-active by going 2nd and then castling up. At least this left Lysander and his squad a long way away from any of the objectives. In retrospect I should have gone first as this would have given me a turn shooting at the rest of Andy's army. I didn't as I was worried about the Drop Pods dropping in behind me and blowing up my vulnerable rear armour. As it was he just dropped into Melta range and blew up my two Predators anyway. Actually I was a bit surprised (and relieved) that he didn't drop next to my Land Raider. 5 BS4 Melta shots (4 from the Sternguard, 1 from the Ironclad) could have seriously ruined my day. I would have had to get out and kill Lysander and the Sternguard but this would have left me a long way from the objectives and I would have been on foot.
Speaking of Ragnar, he's a beast. I still think he's going to work better at 2000 points plus because he is very pricey but he, his squad and their Land Raider (all in all the best part of 800 points) took out a Librarian, 25 Tactical Marines, 5 Terminators, a Rhino, a Razorback and a Land Speeder Typhoon. They also immobilised another Land Speeder Typhoon and took Lysnader's 3rd wound with shooting. Phew, not bad for a day's work. And, to top it off there were still half of the squad left at the end of the battle. now that's the definition of a hammer unit.
One other very small mistake I made was in wound allocation. After being charged by the Terminators Ragnar killed four but the Sergeant with the Power Sword survived to strike back at the squad. Obviously the squad finished him off but he scored one wound back. I took this against a Blood Claw which meant that he died. However I should have taken it against the Wolf Priest as not only does he have an invulnerable save but he has 2 wounds so he would have survived anyway. So, that's yet another lesson learned.
Looking at Andy's tactics, his Drop Pod assault was brutal. Backed up with his Terminators' Cyclone Missile Launcher and Land Speeder Typhoons, it meant that by the end of his turn 2 I'd lost 2 Predators, 5 Grey Hunters, a Dreadnought, a Razorback and had another Razorback immobilised. I was feeling a bit downhearted at that point. Then he made two crucial mistakes. He backed his Librarian and squad away from my Land Raider and he dropped his third Drop Pod too close to where that squad had moved to. This meant that I could multi-charge and take out all 16 men in one round of assault. He would perhaps have been better sacrificing the Librarian's squad to Ragnar and co. I didn't have space to drive around them so I would have had to either get out and assault which would have left me vulnerable to being shot up or I would have had to shoot them with the Raider which would have meant that I couldn't have moved as I would probably have needed all of the shots. The Librarian could even have left the squad leaving him alive for at least another turn. I think that this is the best way to deal with a hammer unit; feed them small units just to slow them down (as I did with Lysander). The Drop Pod Tactical squad would then probably have been better over by one of the central objectives; out of harm's way.
However the one thing he really got wrong was rolling a 2 at the end of Turn 5! Especially after being so good at rolling 3s all game!
Battle Report - 15/04/10 - Andy's perspective
Lysander – 200
Librarian – 100
Null Zone, Machine Curse
Ironclad Dreadnought – 180
Heavy Flamer, Meltagun; Drop Pod
Sternguard – 250
(8) 3x Combi Melta; Drop Pod
Terminator Squad – 240
(5) Cyclone Missile Launcher, 2x Chain Fist
Tactical Squad A – 240
(10) Meltagun, Plasma Cannon, Power Fist; Drop Pod
Tactical Squad B – 215
(10) Flamer, Lascannon; Rhino
Tactical Squad C – 145
(5) Power Weapon; Razorback
Land Speeder Typhoon – 90
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Speeder Typhoon – 90
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Total – 1750
We rolled up Seize Ground with Spearhead Deployment, 4 objectives. Gav won the roll off and made me deploy and go first.
My “alpha strike” intentions played out as well as I had hoped, I targeted what I perceived to be his major threats (his two Predators) and took them both out first turn with my drop podding Ironclad and Sternguard. Shock and Awe tactics certainly looked to have gotten him demoralised but he should have taken heart in the fact that it took 4 crack missiles to immobilise his Lascannon Razorback and I missed his Land Raider with Machine Curse, these were the first indication that my luck was about to change.
Gav’s first turn started positively, he began whittling away at my Sternguard unit, blew up my Ironclad with a couple of well placed speeder melta shots and took out the Librarian’s Rhino with his Land Raider’s Multimelta. Sadly his Dreadnought’s charge into my Sternguard unit ended in clobbering time for Lysander and he saw it off in short order. Things were looking good but the Landraider was looming large on my left flank and with pretty much all of my melta power gone I was going to have a hard time dealing with it.
At the top of the second my Drop Podding Tactical Squad came in and I made a huge mistake in deploying them on the left flank to reinforce my librarian’s tactical squad, now sans Rhino. If I had just popped them on top of an objective on the right flank they may have been able to hold out … The squad’s meltagun did, however, pop the Assault Cannon Razorback and the Sternguard rolled amazingly well and polished off the squad inside in a flurry of AP3 bolter fire. The Librarian’s Squad backed away from the approaching Land Raider and again failed to hit with the Machine Curse, this wasn’t looking good.
Gav actually had very little left on the board that was actually mobile at this point, the Land Speeders continued to whittle away Lysander’s Sternguard but the real action was about to unfold on the left flank. The Land Raider rolled up 12” and out popped 14 Blood Claws, a Wolf Priest and Ragnar Blackmain. The resulting multi-assault wiped out 16 marines, two complete squads with wounds to spare. Special note should go to the brave Tactical Squad Sergeant with a Powerfist who did manage to retaliate with a wound of his own before dying to combat resolution wounds. A 6” consolidation move towards my lines was the last thing I needed but at least I would have a turn of shooting to try and make the unit more manageable.
The concentrated firepower of two Land Speeder Typhoons, a Razorback 5 Terminators and a combat squad did little to thin the horde of rabid Blood Claws closing on my lines so I thought throwing my Terminators into assault and denying them their furious charge would be a good idea. Sadly Ragnar was up to something like 11 attacks and his Frost blade made short work of the Terminator squad. Again my Sergeant did get to at least swing but the remaining Blood Claws finished him off in some style, leaving them free to continue their charge. If I had my time again I would have just move the terminators or, even better, a vehicle in the way to block their advance, slowing them and limiting the damage they could do in the next assault phase.
At this point the game was pretty much over, Lysander took another turn to finish off the Grey Hunter squad, who decided to leave their immobilised Razorback and try and get some shots on him. He then began the long slog back towards my board edge which was where the action was! Ragnar was busy running amuck in my back lines ably assisted by the Wolf Scouts who finally turned the map the right way up and came in on turn 4. together they wiped out a combat squad and their Razorback and immobilised and destroyed both weapons on the remaining Land Speeder. I was down to Lysander and 3 Drop Pods with only 2 working Stormbolters.
On turn 5 Lysander was moving to within charge range but Ragnar’s squad move to intercept him and took him down in a hail of bolt pistol fire, however this moved them out of range of any objectives. With my uncanny ability to roll low I pulled out a 2 which ended the game as a draw but frankly it had been a total blood bath and Ragnar had seen out the day with a fair proportion of his Blood Claws still standing so the wolves had done themselves proud, one for the sagas I reckon.
Looking back on the game I think I really hurt myself with a couple of bad targeting decisions, and the placement of my reserved Drop Pod was a complete brain-fart. Gav did well to recover from a devastating first turn but recover he did and in quite some style. A lot of the buzz on the forum warns against the hammer/point-sink unit but on the evidence today, Ragnar+Wolf Priest+Blood Claws+Land Raider = a lot of dead anything. I suppose that If I’d played against the unit differently, such as dropping the Ironclad to take it out first turn or if my Machine Curses had hit it might have been a different story, but there’s no denying that Land Raiders bearing any king of payload similar to that cannot just be ignored in favour of “playing the mission”, they are game changers.
-- Posting on the go.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Clash Under Ash
Turn 2
Erik the Red, the Wolf Priest hacked down the Librarian while Ragnar himself cut down 5 Tactical Marines. Only the Marine Sergeant was left standing and even though he managed to kill a Blood Claw with his Power Fist he was cut down as he tried to flee.
End of Turn 2:
Turn 3:
Since the Sternguard couldn't get past the Land Speeders to get to the Razorback they decided to charge the Speeders instead. They struggled to hit the fast moving vehicles and only managed to blow the Heavy Flamer off one of them. Meanwhile everyone else in the army shot at Ragnar's squad. Even though a few casualties were caused, they held their ground, made Fearless by the Wolf Priest's Fang of Morkai. The Terminators, realising that something had to be done to prevent that squad claiming the objectives charged into hand to hand combat. However Ragnar was too fast and cut down four of the heavily armour behemoths before they knew what had hit them. The Sergeant was only saved by his Crux Terminatus and managed to strike down a Blood Claw with his Power Sword even as he was being ripped apart by the rest of the squad.
In the Space Wolves deployment zone, the Grey Hunters finally emerged from their immobilised Razorback. As the two Land Speeders provided covering fire they charged into the Sternguard and managed to kill the last of them. Lysander was not so easy to kill though and he crushed the skulls of two of the Fenrisians. The other three were resolute and the combat remained locked. On the Space Wolf right, the Land Raider downed a Land Speeder with its Multimelta and killed most of the Tactical squad using its Hurricane Bolters. Meanwhile Ragnar left his squad and swung his Frost Blade at the other Land Speeder. He managed to immobilise it and cut off its Typhoon Missile Launchers. Erik led the Blood Claws against the Razorback but only managed to blow the Heavy Bolters off.
End of Turn 3:
Turn 4:
The Blood Claws had been rampaging across the battlefield so the Razorback driver did the only thing he could think of to stop them - try to run them over. The Wolf Priest managed to shout at them just in time and they managed to jump out of the way. Meanwhile Lysander killed another Grey Hunter but took a wound himself. He was needed elsewhere, he could not afford to be stuck in this combat much longer.
The Wolf Scouts finally made an appearance and they managed to blow the Heavy Bolter off the already immobilised Land Speeder leaving it practically useless. The Land Raider finished off the last of the Tactical squad on the Space Wolf left with its Hurricane Bolters. In the centre the two Land Speeders sped to help Ragnar and managed to immobilise the Razorback. Ragnar, having re-joined his squad charged the vehicle and blew it apart. Lysnader finally killed the last of the Grey Hunters and stomped up the battlefield towards where the real action was.
End of Turn 4:
1750 Space Wolves
Ragnar Blackmane
Wolf Priest, Saga Of The Warrior Born
Dreadnought, Twin-Linked Autocannon, Twin-Linked Autocannon
6 Wolf Scouts, Meltagun
14 Blood Claws
5 Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Razorback, Twin-Linked Lascannon
5 Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon
2 Land Speeders, Heavy Flamer, Multimelta
Predator, Lascannon Sponsons
Predator, Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Land Raider Crusader, Multimelta, Extra Armour
Ragnar, the Wolf Priest and the Blood Claws go in the Land Raider and beat face with preferred enemy; it's as subtle as a sledgehammer. I think that it might be a bit too much eggs in one basket for me to run at a tourney - a Dark Eldar Lance spam list would ruin your day very quickly. Still, I think there will be quite a few Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield Terminators running around in Land Raiders at Open War.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Marines Thursday 15th April
Librarian - 100
Shield of Sanguinius, Unleash Rage
Furioso Dreadnought - 160
Blood Talons, Meltagun, Storm Bolter; Drop Pod
Sternguard - 195
(5) 4x Combi-Melta, Lightning Claw; Drop Pod
Sanguinary Priest - 65
Lightning Claw
Assault Squad A - 170
(5) Power Weapon; Razorback w. TL Assault Cannon
Assault Squad B - 170
(5) Power Weapon; Razorback w. TL Lascannon
Assault Squad - 455
(10) 2x Meltagun, Power Fist; Land Raider Redeemer w Extra Armour
Fast Attack
Land Speeder Tornado - 90
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Speeder Tornado - 90
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Heavy Support
Predator - 100
Autocannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Dreadnought - 155
2x Twin-Linked Autocannons; Drop Pod
Total 1750
With enough Bolters we could change the Galaxy
P(Wound Trygon) = P(Hit) x P(Wound) x P(Fail Save
= 2/3 x 1/6 x 1/3
= 1/27
So I'd only need 27 shots on average to take a wound off. So that's 162 shots to kill it. Hey, that's only 81 guys if they're rapid firing. Ah well, could be worse, could be using Imperial Guard.
Monday, 12 April 2010
New contributor
I'm Andy and I play vanilla Space Marines and Orks. Currently I have a collection of yellow Marines of a custom Chapter I like to call the Sons of Terra. I had written some background for them but it was mostly done to justify a list containing 6 Dreadnoughts which I thought would be cool at the time; however, I've gone off the idea since. At the moment you'll usually find Pedro and some Sternguard in my lists along with at least two Land Speeder Typhoons, they're my staple choices.
As far as the Orks go I've got a little less than 1500pts worth at the moment and am slowly painting them up, it's quite a struggle, for the bulk of the boyz I have used a white undercoat and used washes to get the skin the way I like it, I then have to go back and paint up the rest of the model! On the Elite and more characterful units I've started with a black undercoat and am building up the colours in the traditional way. With 60 boyz and 40ish other models it's going to be a long slog.
I play Gav on a regular basis and have build up a healthy dislike of Space Wolves in the process, basically every time I face off against them over the table I prepare some cheese and crackers to go with my whine. But all us non-Wolf players know the codex is basically broken, we just don't like to go on about it.
As well as playing Gav I like to enter tournaments. Not because I'm some uber, hardcore win-at-all-costs type of player, I just like to cram as many games as possible into a day. This month I'm playing in Warp Storm 2 at Maelstrom Games in Mansfield and at Open War 13 run by 1st Company Veterans at Warhammer World in Nottingham. I'll be doing my best to take pics and notes so I can write up some reports right here so stay tuned for more in the near future!
Tank Commander
Yes, he's one of those classic, 'drive me over there so I can hit them with my sword' guys!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
The Curse of the New
I think that the issue is two-fold. Firstly some of it is just bad luck. However, that's mitigated by the fact you don't really know the unit. In my mind the Vindi would take on all comers and survive by virtue of its AV13. Of course it only took a few good cover saves and one Meltagun hit to prove me wrong. Now when I use it, I'm not quite so blase about driving it forward and firing at whoever I can. I use it more as an area-denial tool and I use that S10 balst on things that need S10 and don't ahve cover saves. I admit I'm still getting used to using my 2 Speeders but I'm slowly getting better.
So what does this mean? Well, I'm planning on using my new Land Raider Crusader next Thursday. It's going to be full of Ragnar Blackmane and some Blood Claws and in my head I just need to drive it down the line of least resistance killing anything that gets in the way. I doubt it will be that easy and it will take me a couple of games to learn the finesse required to use the unit properly. I'll be really gutted when it doesn't work first time but as long as I learn from my mistakes, I'll be happy.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
You've made planetfall but you now need to establish a beachhead so that other troops can be brought to bear against the enemy.
Army Selection
One player is designated the attacker and one the defender. Both select an army of equal points value using the standard FOC.
Both players roll a D6 and whoever rolls higher selects either of the short board edges as theirs. The defending player deploys first and may place units anywhere within their half of the table. They may place units into reserve as normal.
The attacking player deploys their units within 12" of their board edge and may also place any units into reserve.
Any units placed in reserve are rolled for as per the rules on page 94 of the Warhammer 40,000 main rule book.
First Turn
The attacking player rolls a D6. On a roll of 2+ the attacking player goes first. On a roll of 1, the defending player has stolen the initiative.
Game Length
The game lasts five turns.
Victory Conditions
The attacking player gets 2 points for each infantry squad (including jump infantry) that ends the game in the defending player's half of the table and is above half strength. They get 1 point for any squad that is below half starting strength and in the defending player's half.
The defending player gets 1 point for each enemy infantry squad that finishes the game outside of their half of the table. They also get 1 point for each infantry squad reduced to less than half of its starting strength. (NB this means that the defending player gets 2 points is a squad is completely wiped out. Attacking units that fall back off the table are considered to be wiped out)
In addition both sides get 2 points for each enemy HQ they kill as they attempt to destabilise their enemy by killing their leader.
Special Rules
Atmospheric interference - Due to the overhead conditions, attacking units that wish to enter play by deep strike may only deep strike into their deployment zone. However it is fine if they scatter into no-mans land. Units that use tunnels to deep strike such as the Trygon are unaffected by this rule.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Return of the Heroes
Kyrl Grimblood
Durfast Of Mordak
Wolf Guard Ranulf
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Death From Above
Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Frost Blade, Wolf Tooth Neckalce, Melta Bombs
7 Wolf Guard, Drop Pod
inc 1 with Power Fist
1 with Power Weapon
1 with Wolf Claw
1 with Combi-Melta
1 with Storm Bolter
Dreadnought, Multi-melta, Drop Pod
Dreadnought, Assault Cannon, Drop Pod
10 Grey Hunters, 2 Meltaguns, Power Weapon, Drop Pod
10 Grey Hunters, 2 Meltaguns, Power Weapon, Drop Pod
10 Grey Hunters, 2 Meltaguns, Power Weapon, Drop Pod
2 Land Speeders, Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
2 Land Speeders, Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
Total 1499
Drop the two Dreads and a squad of Grey Hunters first to take care of any big armour. If the enemy reserves everything I'd be tempted to still drop the Dreads in their deployment zone but I'd drop the Grey Hunters in midfield. Of course there is always the option to drop empty pods. The Land Speeders can either start on the table or can deep strike in as required.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Assault Cannons
P(Penetration) = P(Hit) x P(Pen) x Number of shots
= 2/3 x 1/6 x 1
= 1/9
= 3/27
Assault Cannon
P(Penetration) = P(Hit) x P(Rend) x P(Pen) x Number of shots
= 2/3 x 1/6 x x 1/3 x 4
= 4/27
So, it looks like an assault cannon is better. However, as they say, there are lies, damned lies and statistics. One of the few things I remember from stats at university is they are meaningless without some sort of context. Now, the Lascannon has one big adavantage - range. 48" will let you reach out and touch that enemy vehicle with little reprisal. If you've got a vehicle mounted one, you've even got an effective range of 54". The Assault Cannon has a listed range of just 24" but since every platform you can mount it on (namely Razorback, Terminator or Land Speeder) can move and fire it becomes an effective range of 30".
Now, the main issue is that neither of these guns are that good at reliably taking out AV14. However, Lascannons are brilliant at taking out AV11 and AV12 (ie most transports in the game) and Assault Cannons are brilliant at taking out infantry (and so-so at taking out those other transports). I take twin-linked versions of both weapons in my army and I try and remember what their main targets are. Only shoot at AV14 if there are no other targets available or if you're having a day where your dice are really hot.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
7 Sternguard Vets
inc 2 with combi-meltas
and Lighning Claw on the Sergeant
200 exactly. Combi-meltas are in case anyone brings any dreads or vehicles, although these may get swapped out for combi-flamers
Monday, 5 April 2010
Easter Egg
Now I've loved the idea of a Space Wolf drop pod assault since reading Bill King's story about Ragnar podding into a Tyranid force that was printed in White Dwarf (and re-printed in the 2nd Edition Space Wolf Codex). One day I'll put together an army but it might have to wait until I've mastered my MSU list and put together a cavalry list.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Too much of a good thing
Option 1 - Whirlwind (85 points)
I've never used on before but I've seen Andy killing quite a lot of things with those big templates. It keeps the army fully mech and can fire without line of sight. However, to fire indirectly it has to remain stationary which leaves it a sitting duck in combat. It's also a bit fragile only having the same AV as a Rhino - 11. I worry that it would suffer the same problems as a Vindicator in that a single weapon destroyed result leaves it almost useless.
Option 2 - Lone Wolf, Teminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield (85 points)
I love this guy - great model, fluffy, eternal warrior, feel no pain. If I could make any of his 2+ normal saves he'd be in every list. I have used him before and in some games he has been awesome and in others he's struggled to get into combat. Plus with only two attacks he's very easily tarpitted.
Option 3 - 5 Wolf Scouts, Meltagun (85 points)
I have used a unit a six Wolf Scouts quite a bit in the past and they are without a doubt Andy's favourite unit lol. They were given last week off after they attacked a land speeder the week before and ran off when it exploded and killed two of them. Five guys with only 4+ saves sounds like quite a fragile unit. However, as a suicide disruption squad operating Behind Enemy Lines they work really well. If they can detroy a tank or hold up a unit for a couple of turns then they have done their job. Plus against armies that don't really have a backfield such as tyranids or horde Orks you can always just infiltrate them as a spped bump. Or you can bring them onto your own edge if your need anywhere reinforcing.
So, it feels like a choice between the Scouts and the Lone Wolf. I think I might go with the Scouts for the next couple of games and see how they go. Although I'm still tempted by the Blood Angel 6 Pred army...
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Last Stand
The planet has been overrun and the ememy have harried you from your last bastion to this throne-foresaken place. You are doomed, it is only a matter of time before you are wiped out completely. Your only hope is that you can take out as many of the enemy as you can before you are destroyed.
Army Selection
The defending force selects a 1000 point army using the standard FOC. The attacking force selects a 2000 point army also using the standard FOC.
The defending player sets up his army within 6" of the centre line of the table (the centre line being defined as a line equidistant from the two short board edges). The defending player may not put any units into reserve.
The attacking player splits his force into two parts. One part is placed within 6" of one of the short board edges. The second part may either be placed within 6" of the other short board egde or may be placed in reserve.
Any units placed in reserve are rolled for as per the rules on page 94 of the Warhammer 40,000 main rule book.
First Turn
The defending player rolls a D6. On a roll of 2+, the defending player goes first. On a roll of a 1 the attacking player has stolen the initiative.
Game Length
The game lasts until the defending player is wiped out.
Victory Conditions
This game uses victory points as described on page 300 of the Warhammer 40,000 main rule book.
If the attacking player wins by at least 200 VPs, they win the game. If the defending player wins by at least 100 VPs, they win the game. Any other result is a draw.
Special Rules
Nowhere to run to - All defending units have the fearless special rule.
Surrounded - Attacking units that enter from reserve may enter play from either short board edge. They may not enter play from the long board edge even if they have a special rule that would normally allow it (eg Space Wolf Scouts' Behind Enemy Lines rule).
Friday, 2 April 2010
What a Fool
What I'm going to start doing in future is make some notes in the stressfree quiet before the game starts of things I might forget once battle is joined. So I always forget Rhino repair, Andy always forgets to fire his storm bolters on his drop-pods. These might not make huge differences but in a close run game you never know.