With so many tournaments banning Special Characters I like to make the most of these rare opportunities and so I have a bit of a dilemma in my choice. I'm torn between three lists from three Codexes: Space Marines, Blood Angels and Tyranids.
Take a look and let me know what you think:
Codex: Space Marines
Forgefather Vulkan He'stan
Ironclad Dreadnought
Melta Gun, Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod
Multi Melta, Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod
Terminator Assault Squad
5x Thunder Hammer & Storm Shields
Tactical Squad
(10) Meltagun, Multi Melta, Combi-Melta, Power Fist; Drop Pod
Scout Squad
(5) Combat Blades, Combi-Melta, Power Fist
Fast Attack
Land Speeder Typhoon
Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Speeder Typhoon
Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Speeder Storm
Heavy Flamer
Heavy Support
Land Raider Redeemer
Extra Armor, Multi-Melta
Devastator Squad
(5) 4x Missile Launcher
This list is in because I painted up the Forgeworld Huron model as my “counts as” Vulkan model and I've only gotten to use it once. Vulkan is a bad-ass in assault and joins the Termies in the Land Raider. The Devs and Typhoons provide fire support and the Dreads are dropping turn 1 to cause some havoc and blow up heavy armour. The scoring units sit in reserve and try not to die!
Codex: Blood Angels
Shield of Sanguinius, Unleash Rage
Brother Corbulo & 1x Sanguinary Priest
Terminator Assault Squad
(5) 4x Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, 1x pair Lightning Claws
Assault Squad
(5) inc. Sergeant w. Power Weapon; Razorback w. Lascannon and TL Plasmagun
Assault Squad
(5) inc. Sergeant w. Power Weapon; Razorback w. Lascannon and TL Plasmagun
Assault Squad
(10) 2x Meltagun, Sergeant w. Power Fist; Land Raider Redeemer, Extra Armor, Multi-Melta
Heavy Support
2x Twin Linked Autocannon
Multi Melta, Heavy Flamer
Devastator Squad
(5) 1x Lascannon, 3x Missile Launcher; Razorback w. Twin Linked Lascannon
Mephiston is just too obvious and I'm painting 'nids at the moment so I've not got time to paint up a Death Company unit to get Lemartes so Corbulo is in. In this list the Termies are on foot accompanied by Corbulo to provide bubble-wrapping or area denial/flank protection. The Devs, Rifleman and Plasma-backs are the fire support and the Librarian and Priest go with the Assault Squad in the Land Raider to give me a credible, mobile assault threat. The MM Dread is just because S10 and walking Multi Meltas are relatively cool things.
Codex: Tyranids
Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
Doom of Malan'tai
Mycetic Spore
Hive Guard Brood (2)
Hive Guard Brood (2)
Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
Termagant Brood (10)
Genestealer Brood
(7) Toxin Sacs, inc. Broodlord
Fast Attack
Ravener Brood
(6) Rending Claws
Spore Mine Cluster (3)
Spore Mine Cluster (3)
Heavy Support
Biovore Brood (2)
Trygon Prime
Adrenal Glands
Adrenal Glands
Finally we have Hive Fleet Eyechiwawa. I'm play-testing nids at the moment so I'm not sure if this will be effective but I like the idea of two Tervigons supporting two Trygons. The Hive Guard are must-haves for ranged transport popping. Spore mines are disruption (see Fritz, I love the idea) and Biovores are because TheBaron said so! Doom in a pod is in to be my required Special Character (though I could be talked into using Deathleaper). The Raveners support the Trygons to stop them getting bogged down in big units and the Genestealers can also chip in or infiltrate/outflank as necessary. It's not your standard 'nid list but I don't want to run the 3 Trygons and 3 Tervigons list.
So there you go, the nids are probably a no-go simply because nothing is painted yet and I don't even have all the models built or purchased yet and with only a month left it would take an enormous effort to get the list finished which seems unlikely at the mo. Though I am very into the nids at the moment so you never know!
I will play-test the C:SM list this week because I would like to get the Vulkan model to the table again but so far I have enjoyed the Blood Angels list and will probably end up taking this one to Blog Wars in the end.
Anyone got any comments or thoughts?
For the first list:
ReplyDeleteVulkan and the Termies in the LR are cool. Although I am not a huge fan of the Redeemer since it impossible to use both of the Flamestorm Cannons on the same unit so they are kinda wasted I think. I actually prefer the Crusader variant.
I was never a big fan of Dreads in drop pod. Firstly, they are very easy to counter (by reserving everything or just castling your vehicles) and also they will probably never make their points back since they almost certainly die next turn. At least against my IG.
Speeders are cool. How you planning to use your drop poding Marines? I also think the ML devs are horrendously over priced, couldn't you use stern guard for the same effect?
BA are cool although since rock armies don't really work for me .Also, I think you should give Meltaguns to your small Assault Squads. I think they would be more useful than the PW on the sergeants.
ReplyDeleteDon't know much about Nids so I'd think spore mines are useless but then again you know better :P Don't like trygons much though I prefer the big shooty critteres a la Tyrannofex.
ReplyDeleteIm not sure if I can go but if I did I think I'd go with a fluffy list and take Ulrik and a load of bloodclaws in a crusader.
ReplyDeleteTyranids... then I may be able to beat you ;)
ReplyDeleteGive me a shout if you need any input mate ;)