Thursday, 11 November 2010

Boyz Keep Swinging

Week two of the club's 1000 point challenge and it's time to tweak the Orks based on last week's lamentable performances. So, taking the original list, this analysis and this one, I've come up with the following list:

Warboss, Bike, Cybork Body, Attack Squig

4 Nob Bikers, Painboy, Power Klaw, Waaagh Banner, Bosspole

20 Shoota Boyz, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw

20 Shoota Boyz, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw

Deffkopta, Twin-Linked Rokkit Launcher, Buzzsaw

Deffkopta, Twin-Linked Rokkit Launcher, Buzzsaw

Battlewagon, Big Shoota, Deff Rolla, Armour Plates, Red Paint Job, Grot Riggers

More shooty than last time then. I need to make sure I'm a bit more careful with all of the units especially the Bikers this week.


  1. Its very similar to the list I'm using in the comp. found here:

    Orks are simply awesome in this size game, plus with the scoring system it doesn't really matter if you give up a lot of kill points as you're scored purely on what you kill.

    Waiting to see the reports back from you all this week. I'm not down tonight, but managed to get a cheeky game in this afternoon.

    We should try and get a game in with our 1000pt lists sometime after the comp if you're up for it, although as they are near identical I think a lot would be based on luck.

  2. Its very similar to the list I'm using in the comp. found here:

    Orks are simply awesome in this size game, plus with the scoring system it doesn't really matter if you give up a lot of kill points as you're scored purely on what you kill.

    Waiting to see the reports back from you all this week. I'm not down tonight, but managed to get a cheeky game in this afternoon.

    We should try and get a game in with our 1000pt lists sometime after the comp if you're up for it, although as they are near identical I think a lot would be based on luck.

  3. Definitely, that would be great. Although I doubt luck will have much to do with it as I'm still a total noob when it comes to the Orks.

    I'm just sorting out the battle report from last night so that will be up later today...


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